Casino Encyclopedia

Casino Encyclopedia Average ratng: 9,8/10 7069 votes

During the 19th century, the term 'casino' came to include other public buildings where pleasurable activities, including gambling, and sports took. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The casino consists of 67,000 square feet (6,200 m2) of gaming space, filled by tables for stud poker, blackjack. Encyclopedia article about Gambling. Information about Gambling in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, computing dictionary. Casino gambling, gambling game, problem gambling.

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Casino Encyclopedia Games

This article is about a location in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. For the location in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, see Grate Guy's Casino. For the location in Super Mario Sunshine, see Casino Delfino.
The casino in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.
Slot Machine

The casino[1] is a cave in Mario Land, hidden beneath the hills near Mario's castle. Using the coins he has collected as an entrance fee, Mario can win bonuses by selecting a pipe that leads to one of the Slot Machines[2]. The first game costs 30 coins and features Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, and Carrots; the second game costs 50 coins and adds 1UP and 3UP extra lives; the third game costs 200 coins and removes the power-ups in favor of 5UP and 20UP; the final game costs 999 coins and has 5UP, 20UP, 50UP and 99UP, as well as the wagered 500 coins at stake. A witch icon has a chance of appearing in all four games, which constitutes a loss. Unlike the mini-games that can be played at the end of a stage, the player cannot opt-out once the money has been spent.

Names in other languages[edit]



Slot Machines[edit]

Surotto Mashin
Slot Machine
GermanEinarmiger BanditSlot Machine


  1. ^The Super Game Boy Player's Guide, page 21.
  2. ^Nintendo Power Volume 43, pages 44 & 45.
  3. ^ abSuper Mario Land 2: 6-tsu no Kinka Japanese instruction booklet, page 12.
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
ProtagonistMario • Heavy Zed • Hippo
FormsSmall Mario • Super Mario • Fire Mario • Bunny Mario • Space Mario • Aqua Mario • Invincible Mario • Bomb Mario
BossesBig Bird • Tatanga • Sewer Rat • Witch • Three Little Pigs • Pako • Wario
Items1-Up Heart • 3UP Heart • Carrot • Coin • Fire Flower • Golden Coin • Moneybag • Mushroom • Star
Objects? Block • Beach Ball • Bell • Brick Block • Cog • Empty Block • Fiery block • Goal • Sap • Soap Bubble
EnemiesAntotto • Aqua Kuribō • Battle Beetle • Bē • Bear • Bee • Bēro • Blurp • Bomubomu • Boo • Bopping Toady • Būichi • Bullet Bill • Cheep Cheep • Chikunto • Dokanto • Dondon • F Boy • Floating Face • Goomba • Goronto • Grubby • Honebōn • J-son • Jack-in-the-Box • Karakara • Keipu • Kiddokatto • Koopa Troopa • Kyororo • Kyotonbo • Kurokyura • Minikyura • Mōgyo • Neijī • No.48 • Noko Bombette • Para-Goomba • Pikku • Piranha Plant • Poro • Ragumo • Rerere • Shark • Skeleton Bee • Spikey • Spiny Cheep-Cheep • Stars • Tamara • Terekuribō • Toriuo • Tōsenbo • Unera • Unibō • Venus Fire Trap
ObstaclesBoulder • Cannonball • Crystal ball • Falling Spike • Fire Pakkun Zō • Furikō • Furizō • Genkottsu • Guruguri • Karamenbō • Lava • Tatenoko • Tōsanbōru • Turtle Cannon • Wakiri • Yashichi
LevelsOverworldStart • Hippo • Tenbōdai Course • Mario's castle • Casino
Tree ZoneTree Zone Area 1 • Tree Zone Area 2 • Tree Zone Area 3 • Tree Zone Area 4 • Tree Zone Area 5 • Tree Zone Special Area
Space ZoneSpace Zone Area 1 • Space Zone Area 2 • Space Zone Special Area
Macro ZoneMacro Zone Area 1 • Macro Zone Area 2 • Macro Zone Area 3 • Macro Zone Area 4 • Macro Zone Special Area
Pumpkin ZonePumpkin Zone Area 1 • Pumpkin Zone Area 2 • Pumpkin Zone Area 3 • Pumpkin Zone Area 4 • Pumpkin Zone Special Area 1 • Pumpkin Zone Special Area 2
Mario ZoneMario Zone Area 1 • Mario Zone Area 2 • Mario Zone Area 3 • Mario Zone Area 4
Turtle ZoneTurtle Zone Area 1 • Turtle Zone Area 2 • Turtle Zone Area 3 • Turtle Zone Special Area
OtherGallery • Glitches • Staff

Casino Encyclopedia Poker

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